Monday, February 3, 2014

News::Sexy horse traps in Deception IV's Rube Goldberg machine

I was watching Mouse Hunt the other day expecting it to not hold up since seeing it in theaters in 1997. Remember when a children's film could start with a bleak funeral that ends with a body in a sewer and continue towards more death and failed marriages? Turns out, I still really like Mouse Hunt. Part of my giddiness for its slapstick stems from its delightful Rube Goldberg machines where one insignificant act sets in motion a series of increasingly grander happenings.

Deception IV: Blood Ties is coming to North America (PS3, Vita) on March 25. It's a little like Mouse Hunt, but with less Nathan Lane and more almost naked women. It's more extremely slapstick, too, with this twelve combo trap. A boulder is dropped on the woman, she is set on fire, she's thrust onto a horse and knocked off with a pendulum axe. Good, wholesome family fun.

You'll find more detailed gameplay footage here; the above video is all payoff.

Sexy horse traps in Deception IV's Rube Goldberg machine screenshot

via destructoid