Monday, February 17, 2014

News::Rust needs more players like this guy

[Editor's Note: There's a visible dong in this video's thumbnail because you start out as a naked dude in Rust, so, yeah. I've embedded it below. Consider this your NSFW warning.]

As far as I'm concerned, this is the perfect example of players making their own fun in Rust.

When first getting started in this brutal multiplayer sandbox game, everyone is a threat. It's terrifying. And if you happen to have a friend on the same server, figuring out how to get to them without either of you dying is an ordeal. Not something I'd want to do again.

Here's that exact experience, made enjoyable by a player who has taken it upon himself to serve as a tour guide. And what a tour guide he is.

Rust needs more players like this guy screenshot


via destructoid