Tuesday, December 10, 2013

News::Doom: Celebrating 20 Years of BFG

Erik writes, "At the time Doom was first released in 1993, I was way too young to even be playing console games. When I eventually grew old enough to be able to handle using a mouse and keyboard to play games, Doom was there to guide me. I remember the first time I saw Doom in action, was on my fathers computer when he sat me down and said Play this. Im not too sure where my dad got that copy of Doom from or what compelled him to let his young son play the ultra-violent game, but Im sure as hell glad that he did. Initially the game scared the hell out of me, with its new (to me) control scheme, dozens of demons and the level design, but once I got familiar with it, I played it more than my consoles. Since it was the shareware version, I only got to play the first episode, but you can bet I played the crap out of that first episode. While I was disappointed I never got to play the other episodes, that didnt stop me from getting my daily dose of Pinky killing action in after...

via N4G: pc news feed http://n4g.com/news/1410431/doom-celebrating-20-years-of-bfg