Saturday, November 23, 2013

News::The top 10 videogame pro wrestlers

[Dtoid community blogger TheDustinThomas ranks his top 10 favorite videogame wrestlers. Because why not? Want to see your own blog appear on our front page? Go write something! --Mr Andy Dixon]

For those of you who don't know, I spent 10 years as a professional wrestler. I use the word 'spent' because I recently retired. Mostly due to the fact that my back is all kinds of messed up and because I have a other things in my life that I need to devote more time to. Despite this, I still love the business, and if you've read any of my previous Cblogs, you already know that I love videogames. I started thinking about it and realized that professional wrestling and videogames have intertwined themselves quite often, not just with wrestling games, but characters in other games who play the part of a wrestler.

So what I want to do is count down the top 10 videogame professional wrestlers. I'm not talking about a list comprised of WWE stars who are the best in their games, I'm talking fake 'fake' wrestlers. LET'S GET STARTED!

The top 10 videogame pro wrestlers screenshot


via destructoid