EverQuest Next posted a developer diary yesterday, showing off what the materials and tools will look like in Landmark. Players will start off with a copper pickaxe, and they will be able to start harvesting basic materials right away. Eventually they'll be able to do crazy things like carry lava around in a bucket, which is something that defies real-world logic and has to be inspired by Minecraft.
I can't even begin to scream loud enough to show how excited I am about this game. EverQuest Next and Landmark look like they are going to be amazing MMOs that will break away from the awful systems that plague most other MMOs out there. I want to run around in an online world with other people, and not have to worry about killing ten boars. I want to build a castle and toss rocks at everyone passing by.
via destructoid http://www.destructoid.com/everquest-next-developer-diary-shows-materials-and-tools-265024.phtml