Thursday, November 21, 2013

News::Destructoid's favorite Xbox 360 games: A warm look back

We're almost there. With the release of the Xbox One just a few hours away, the torch will finally be passed, and what we've referred to as "next-generation" for years will simply become "this generation." Exciting times to be a gamer.

Of course, the release of the Xbox One doesn't simply make the Xbox 360 vanish into thin air. Games will still be developed for it for a long time to come, and a lot of people will probably just stick to their 360s for quite a while. That being said, it's undeniable that the focus will squarely shift to what's happening on Xbox One.

But, in a way, that shift can sort of be a tough pill to swallow. A lot of good things came out of the 360's lifespan. Just as we did with the Wii and the PS3, we want to reflect on our personal experiences with the Xbox 360 before setting our sights on Microsoft's new console. These were the Destructoid Staff's favorite Xbox 360 titles:

Destructoid's favorite Xbox 360 games: A warm look back screenshot


via destructoid