Thursday, November 7, 2013

News::Call of Duty Makes Season Passes Respectable

Last year, I made the fairly pretentious claim that Call of Duty was now an institution, which is precisely the kind of Brobdingnagian, fatuously-important declaration you make about something that is A) extremely popular, and yet B) almost entirely unremarkable (even among folks, like myself, who are consistently interested in yearly CoD releases). We can all set our watches by the early November release of each new installment, and like most watches, the terminal process is unmoved by our critical platitudes. We say what we can to demonstrate that we still respect the series legacy, but that hasnt looked much more interesting in the last few years than well, here comes CoD, and well, there goes CoD. The time when I enjoyed talking about CoD as much as playing it has now passed on, bedecked with Egyptian cotton sheets and surrounded by loved ones.

via N4G: pc news feed