Friday, October 4, 2013

News::Transistor Interview: 1080p and 60 FPS, No Xbox One Version, PS4 and PC Differences and More

GB: "Arguably one of the bigger indie titles to arrive on the PlayStation 4 first, Transistor is Supergiant Games' second outing since Bastion. There's been a lot of talk about Sony's indie gaming stance, especially considering Shuhei Yoshida's statements that indie titles could help fill the gaps between big releases. However, for Supergiant Games, Transistor is the product of disjointed ideas forming a cohesive whole with plenty of surprises yet to be revealed to gamers. "We spoke to creative director Greg Kasavin about the game including the move to a more a turn-based strategy format, the studio's relationship with Sony and how PC compares to the PlayStation 4."

via N4G: pc news feed