Tuesday, October 15, 2013

News::Strider returns to solo action at New York Comic Con 2013 (2D-X)

Strider is an oddball character. Not in terms of design, but in his historical importance. Striders ninja-tastic abilities and cool flapping scarf has the makings of a near-iconic video game character, but he hasnt appeared in a good Strider game since the PlayStations Strider 2. Its been a long time since Hiryu took to action in a game that bore his name Strider 2 was released in 1999 but hes slated to return to action in the simply named Strider. The Double Helix-developed Strider set to hit the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in early 2014 serves as a series reboot with the familiar mecha and desolate locales in place. It looks good.

via N4G: pc news feed http://n4g.com/news/1373926/strider-returns-to-solo-action-at-new-york-comic-con-2013-2d-x