Thursday, October 10, 2013

News::Alien Rage Review - The Digital Fix

Rage! Rage!! Raaaaaage. The aliens rage that is, at you destroying their nice Prometheum plant (its a power source freeing humanity from the shackles of finite resources, geddit?). Or perhaps its the protagonists, who cracks wise and screams in a manly fashion when youre running and gunning. Hes MAD AS HELL at those aliens! They forcibly captured our giant mining complex and if we cant have it, no-one can. So were gonna BLOW IT ALL TO HELL. You can easily imagine him naming and cleaning his guns, like the eponymous Heavy of Team Fortress 2 fame. There are many like it but this one is mine. That more or less sums up Alien Rage - a big, dumb shooter with a few quirks and not much behind the eyes. Often hard, sometimes pretty, and generally unstable.

via N4G: pc news feed