Monday, September 2, 2013

News::Master Yi Rework Review | Corsual

Corsual's Daniel Ball writes: "Ever since the release of the ARAM game mode in League of Legends, there have been a number of champions that have dominated, largely due to their abilities being on the seemingly cheap side of things. Nidalee has her devastating, long-range spear, Soraka has her all-encompassing Starfall ability, as well as her heals, and Master Yi, well... Master Yi was seemingly unstoppable when scaling off of Ability Power. Although the Master Yi rework was not done solely to limit his devastation potential in ARAM, the new rework has certainly changed the way he is played in ARAM, as well as in the more traditional game modes, of course. The biggest difference in the rework is undoubtedly the fact that Master Yi can no longer be played viably as a purely AP champion, and now requires a much more AD/Attack-Speed-centric build."

via N4G: pc news feed