Sunday, August 18, 2013

News::Why Freemium Feels So Damn Good in League of Legends

Gamasutra: Recently my co-workers convinced me to try League of Legends I was pretty apprehensive at first but it didnt take long before I was a level 23 summoner (still 7 levels to go), playing during lunches having my face (figuratively and literally) melted off and loving every moment of it. I began to wonder how/why this game is so profitable but manages to offer so much content for free. This interest was fueled even more by my previous article where I discussed the systems design of the most popular and profitable mobile game currently on the planet Candy Crush Saga. While Candy Crush focuses mostly on impulse buys and consumable items, League of Legends is a hardcore PC game with a similar but at the same time, very different strategy. I wanted to sample both ends of the spectrum to see what made these blockbuster titles tick. So without further ado, lets discuss why freemium feels so-damn-good in League of Legends.

via N4G: pc news feed