Wednesday, August 28, 2013

News::Review: Splinter Cell Blacklist - MKGaming

MKGaming - "Splinter Cell Blacklist is a rompingly enjoyable sneak-fest. It has its niggles here and there, the controls can be fiddly at times and some of the guards seem to come equipped with their own Spidey Sense but thats doesnt tar the experience too much. The game looks fantastic, on the Xbox 360 youll get a second disc with a high resolution texture pack which you can install before playing. You can play the game how you want, whether youre a sneaky Simon or a gun-ho Gary youll be able to tweak the experience to suit. Youll come for the campaign and stay for the multiplayer, so theres no risk of getting bored any time soon."

via N4G: pc news feed