Thursday, August 15, 2013

News::Dishonored: The Brigmore Witches DLC Review | IncGamers

IncGamers' Tim McDonald heads to the streets and rooftops of Dunwall once again in the concluding part of Dishonored's DLC. From the review: "The short summary is that The Brigmore Witches is more Dishonored. It offers another look at this wonderfully crafted world, shows off a few more sides and aspects of it, answers a few nagging questions, and hints at yet more depths waiting to be uncovered. Dishonored was apparently intended to be a one-off, but if Brigmore Witches is the last we see of it, Ill be disappointed: this is still good enough and unique enough that I want to see both more of this gameplay, and more of this universe."

via N4G: pc news feed