Wednesday, July 31, 2013

News::Shadowrun Returns review | Thunderbolt

Nick Horth, Thuderbolt writes: One of the first big Kickstarted franchise releases, Shadowrun Returns has a great deal to live up to. Not only does it carry the torch for the next generation of crowd-funded games, its also the first title in several years for a much beloved franchise. A sequel of sorts to the very well-regarded SNES title, Shadowrun Returns revisits the grungy streets of Seattle 2054, an urban wasteland controlled by mega-corporations, into which magic has re-awakened, and a variety of meta-human races have re-emerged. You play as a Shadow Runner, a sort of special agent for hire who offers their skills out to anyone willing to pay the right price. In this case, youre contacted by an old buddy who wants you to hunt down a murderer. His own in fact.

via N4G: pc news feed