Saturday, July 20, 2013

News::MTV Multiplayer - 'The Bureau' Takes One Long Drag From a Cigarette and Breathes Life Into XCOM

MTV Multiplayer - I want to tell you about all the cool stuff that I found in 2K Marin's XCOM origin story "The Bureau" but I've been sworn to secrecy. Not really though. No one black bagged my head or anything like that but I don't want to get all spoiler-y about what I saw last Friday. My previous impressions more or less stay the same -- "The Bureau" is a love letter of the hysteria induced Cold War merged with the Space Race of the 1960's with an extraterrestrial twist. It also fills the wide gaps in story of previous XCOM games as this takes the franchise to its roots. So instead of rehashing gameplay mechanics I thought I'd paint a picture of the atmosphere of "The Bureau."

via N4G: pc news feed