Thursday, June 27, 2013

News::Rejoice! Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes on Android now

Back in January, we heard that the fantastic puzzle/strategy/role-playing game Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes would be coming to mobile platforms, with the iOS versions showing up immediately after the announcement and the Android versions releasing "some time later."

Well, it's time to strap on your elven boots, round up your colorful minions, and get ready to stack them so hard that turn into stone walls, because "some time later" is today. Unfortunately, the Android version is missing online multiplayer, despite the feature being present in the iOS release. Still, one of my favorite games ever is now out on my mobile platform of choice; that is reason enough for at least a little bit of celebration.

Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes can be purchased for Android devices on Google Play.

Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes lays seige [sic] upon Android [Joystiq]

Rejoice! Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes on Android now screenshot

via destructoid