Saturday, May 4, 2013

News::Tyranny of King Washington: The Redemption Review I Expansive

Continuing on from where the second installment ended, the third and final installment of the Assassins Creed DLC continues with Ratohnhake:tons, or Connors (which is much easier to say and spell) mission to stop King George Washington and restore peace to a nation that has fallen under his terrible rule as part of this alternate history epic. Right from the get-go you are back in New York Harbour aboard the Aquila. The action starts straight away and the first order of business is a battle at sea. Nothing new here if youve played the main game, but its a nice change of pace to indulge in a bit of naval warfare. With the next Assassins Creed outing being Black Flag based on a pirating mission, this was an invaluable pre-test for Ubisoft to make sure theyve got those features spot on for a major release.

via N4G: pc news feed