Thursday, May 16, 2013

News::The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Preview - Gaming Nexus

From the preview: "In the action RPG world, it appears as if there are two schoolsof fans. You have the traditional, Diablo-die hard and, in recent years, the Torchlight stalwart. The two games are very similar in many ways, but the fine details often separate the fans into these two schools of thought. When you first lay eyes on the Incredible Adventure of Van Helsing, you will undoubtedly be reminded of one (or both) of these two games. Over the past couple of weeks, I have had the pleasure of spending quite a few hours with a preview build of the game. I have managed to sink a couple of hours into the early portion of the adventure and think that fans of the genre are in for a treat when the game hits Steam later this month."

via N4G: pc news feed