Monday, April 29, 2013

News::The Weekend Hotness: Complete in box, suckas!

What's that? You're happy because WayForward is finally bringing the original Shantae to the Virtual Console? You were never able to play the Game Boy Color classic because you missed out on its limited run and didn't want to pay the exorbitant prices on eBay? I feel for you guys. I...

Oh... what's that!? Is that my complete-in-box copy of Shantae? Suck it, losers! BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

This weekend, Sup Holmes? gets a little bit "Krunch"-y, SEGA can't come up with good character ideas on its own anymore, Bobby Kotick is rich as sin, Grasshopper Manufacture found new work for Jessica Nigri, and the Beyond: Two Souls demo is 35 minutes of Dafoe-on-Holmes action.

Destructoid Original:
Dtoid TV Weekend: HD in the coffee

Sup Holmes crunches and shrugs with LeGrudge and Rugged


Are you going to PAX Prime 2013? Let us know!

Communitoid 012, featuring special guest JohnnyViral!

Community blogs of 4/27 & 4/28

Forum thread of the day: The Monaco thread - Dirty criminals welcome

The Weekend Hotness: Complete in box, suckas! screenshot


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