Friday, April 19, 2013

News::Pixelitis Picks: Trippiest Cutscenes in Games

"Later this week, aficionados of mind-altering substances will take part in the yearly festivities known as 4/20. Though absolutely none of us would ever touch the stuff, we figured wed dedicate this weeks Pixelitis Picks to our favorite trippy moments in games. After all, both gamers and potheads have a couple things in common: we both love chilling out on the couch in front of the TV, we both love snacking while spending our time on the couch and we both enjoy a little something, something to de-stress. With those similarities in mind, its no surprise that games occasionally fall down the rabbit hole, taking us to a place where up is down, black is white and the images were watching just dont add up. So sit back and feed your head with our favorite trippy moments. Just make sure to have a bag of Funyuns ready when youre done." - Pixelitis Staff

via N4G: pc news feed