"Lara Croft is the face of a generation. When the first Tomb Raider launched in 1996, the w**k-fantasy aimed at pre-pubescent male gamers, became an icon for females the world over. Here was a main character who wasnt a trophy for plumbers and turtles to battle over. She was an independent woman who kicked ass and didnt need a supporting male character to tell her what to do. She stood on her own two feet and defied the usual tropes that came with being a lead character in an action game. The 90s were an era of Girl Power, and Miss Croft was gamings answer to the Spice Girls."
via N4G: pc news feed http://n4g.com/news/1188706/vgi-review-tomb-raider-even-for-all-its-faults-tomb-raider-is-a-game-worth-playing
via N4G: pc news feed http://n4g.com/news/1188706/vgi-review-tomb-raider-even-for-all-its-faults-tomb-raider-is-a-game-worth-playing