Thursday, February 21, 2013

News::Year Walk review

After the wistful whimsy of Bumpy Road and the cheery rhythms of Beat Sneak Bandit, this is quite a departure for Swedish studio Simogo: Year Walk is a dark-hearted firstperson adventure that represents a leap into the unknown for both player and developer. It’s a daring move that pays off handsomely in an iOS game like nothing else you’ve seen on the format to date.

It’s a horror novella in game form, and as such is best savoured in the small hours, with headphones inserted and volume turned up. It strikes – and holds – that fine balance between anticipation and trepidation, as you cautiously step through a snowy forest, without ever knowing your destination.

Storytelling takes precedence over systems, but the environmental puzzles are intelligently handled, while navigation is equally smart. Simple swipes take you through a three-dimensional environment layered in 2D planes, scenery folding into view as if you’re exploring a pop-up book: a papercraft fairytale that only gets more disturbing the deeper you venture into the woods.

As you’d expect from the studio behind Beat Sneak Bandit, sound plays a critical role: a blend of evocative effects and sparse themes do much to build a menacing atmosphere, and it’s this restraint that gives its infrequent shocks greater power. A free companion app adds texture to the game’s mythical elements to further unsettle, its role becoming more crucial still in a dazzling, head-spinning endgame. This is a brave and truly original work, and if this is what happens when Simogo explores its dark side, it should do so more often.

The post Year Walk review appeared first on Edge Online.

via Edge Online