Disgaea Dimension 2 , which is coming to the US this year, has released another promo video. It's very similar to another trailer that was released not long ago, but this one features Japanese voice overs from Etna and Flonne.
Even if you can't understand Japanese, you can still get the gist of a number of gameplay elements, like the Item Sea, riding monsters, new characters, and other classic franchise staples. As always, amazing special editions that we'll never get in the states are featured at the end of the video.
I can't get "simulation ar-pee-gee!" out of my head. I also can't wait for this game -- I can feel a Carter's Quest: Disgaea coming.
via destructoid http://www.destructoid.com/the-disgaea-d2-trailers-get-crazier-and-crazier-247265.phtml