Sunday, February 17, 2013

News::Bioshock Infinite Hands-On: Exploring The Beautiful Madness Of Columbia | OXM

Jon Blyth: ''How to put this diplomatically? If you're a dramatic kind of person who's prone to reading a narrative into any given series of events, then you might be inclined to see BioShock Infinite's development as "troubled". Release dates have been issued and retracted. Long-standing members of staff at Irrational have left to work on other projects, in two waves. As far as headlines are concerned, two waves is an exodus. Then, Rod Fergusson from Epic was recruited, which added a semi-hallucinatory side-narrative that BioShock was hanging up its grandest intentions in favour of going batshit with a chainsaw. Annoyingly, this idea was given spectral meat by images of Booker DeWitt plunging a whirling skyhook into the bloody neck of Columbia's police force.''

via N4G: pc news feed